New examination candidates will be required to register and test with Pearson Vue. Schedule 1 day in advance by 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Cancel 2 days in advance by 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Reschedule 2 days in advance by 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. No, because terms of the contract between Nelson and contractor are not an issue of concern to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission. Beginning April 1, 2023, PSI will no longer be registering or administering testing to Pennsylvania candidates for the Real Estate sales and broker examinations. Kindly note that this is not an open book test.Should you have questions, our team will be happy to assist you. Yes, because only the owner is authorized to contract for work to be done on the building he / she owns. Keep in mind that the real estate licensing requirements vary by state.No, because Nelson has been authorized by the owner to contract to have the work done.Yes, because accepting any undisclosed compensation or profit for expenditures on behalf of an owner is a violation of the license law.Could this action result in disciplinary action against Nelson by the commission?

Without the knowledge of the owner, Nelson and the contractor selected to do the work agree that as a condition of receiving the contract the contractor will install central air conditioning in the personal residence of Nelson at no charge to Nelson. The building owner and Nelson agree that the building air conditioning system needs to be replaced, and Nelson is authorized to contract for the work to be done. Successfully pass the state and national portions of the PSI Broker Real Estate Exam. Search everything test-related from dates to locations, fees, and handbooks. PSI collaborates with third-party training providers, such as 360 Training, to offer fully online real estate test-prep that is available for a number of states. Nelson, a broker is employed as a property manager.